Alera Group Insights

Perspectives from our thought leaders and experts across the country.


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Corporate Insight

Property and Casualty

What To Do About the High Cost of Insurance for Transportation and Logistics Companies

Here’s a close look at three major insurance challenges for transportation and logistics companies, along with practical steps you can take to address them.

September 26, 2024

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Property and Casualty

Umbrella Insurance for Businesses: Peace of Mind in an Increasingly Unpredictable World

Whereas a skilled agent can help provide businesses with adequate insurance against property losses by following a predictable formula, the unpredictability of liability claims underscores how important it is for businesses to buy as much Umbrella/Excess Liability coverage as they can afford.

September 18, 2024

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Property and Casualty

General Liability Insurance in 2024: Navigating a Complex Landscape

While some aspects of General Liability Insurance have largely turned a corner from a prolonged hard market, the outlook in other areas looks much less cheery. Overall, the market has finally improved after several challenging years, offering signs of stabilization.

September 12, 2024

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